When I was going through a very hard time in my life, Dan and I were privileged to go on a trip to Hawaii (my mom paid the way). On Christmas Eve my mother handed me a gift in a small box. She gave me a diamond ring that she cherished.
Our cruise had ended and it was time to go home. We arrived home very late that night, around 2am in the morning. After two days of being home I realized I didn’t know where my ring was.
That day, I had an appointment in Calgary and the Lord was talking to me in the car.
“JoAnna, that ring is very precious to you”
Yes Lord, it is, it means a lot to me.
“You think it is lost, you think you are lost, and there are people who think they are lost.”
Yes, Lord, I feel like I’m in a very dark place.
“I know where you are. You are in a safe place.
This ring is VERY valuable to you.
YOU are very valuable to ME!
As precious as those diamonds are, you are precious to ME!
Diamonds glow and give off radiance and have a beauty that is very precious to ME.
I cherish you. I love you. I have not forgotten you."
I remained very emotional throughout that day, grieving my loss and wondering how I would tell my mom.
Later, when I sat in the living room I knew I had to surrender to the Lord and continue to trust HIM. His love for me was far greater than a ring. As I had put my head down, weeping, a sudden peace came over me. The Lord helped me see where the ring was. I went into my bedroom, opened the closet door, put my hand between two sweaters that were folded on the shelf, and there was the small box.
The Lord wants you to know that even though you feel like you are in a dark place in your life, you are to continue to press in. He knows where you are, but your “feelings” have not changed how HE values you.
Press in, persevere, YOU ARE VALUED by a loving Father who will not leave you nor forsake you.